Geography astronomical Astrogeogrphy
Astronomy is one of the science complex, which needs to various other sciences discoveries. It has to Lafh the document with everyday human life, so can be considered a question of timing and changes daily, and the beginning of the annual seasons and continuity of the first questions that focused on astronomical studies. Also, the study of stars, and their properties, and astronomical phenomena, felt by the human, in addition to the disclosure of the mutual relationship between the sun, stars, and planets, and other celestial bodies, and the movement of each for the last, was one of the core functions, which has preoccupied interested in this area since ancient times.
The concept can be identified astronomical geography as a science that looks at the sites and the coordinates of celestial bodies. And interested in studying the natural environment of the planet, as is the shape of the earth and geometric characteristics of the first geographical realities. And the impact of the relationship between the Earth and all of the sun and the moon on the characteristics of the natural environment and human activity. Can understand this effect of knowing that the energy needed for life and the driving forces of running water, wind, and ocean currents and the surrounding, the source of energy emitted by the sun. Therefore, to understand the nature of the movement of the Earth on its axis and its movement in orbit around the sun and the movement of the moon around is one of the foundations of primary interest to the physical geography. Which is what you are trying to study that illustrated the following:
1. Universe and celestial bodies
Given the sky on a clear night moon, Vichahd few thousand bright celestial objects called stars, and some of them do not exceed the fingers wander among the stars and change their positions for the fixed stars and formations known planets car. The stars, the planets, the moon, the sun, and other celestial bodies.
A. The breadth of the universe
Given the sky by telescope see huge numbers of stars in the millions. Valogram heavenly occupy the space around us. And space and stars and celestial bodies is different universe.
The early astronomers believe that the universe is very small and limited, the limits of the universe is transparent ball bearing the stars and orbiting the earth as the center. The claimed astronomer Forghani Alpharghani in the nineteenth century that the Earth's radius is 3250 miles, a good estimate of the radius of the earth, but specify a radius of the universe, any radius ball transparent bearing star (after the stars from Earth) by about 75 million miles only, This estimate is much less than the reality.
In the seventeenth century, it was considered Copernicus Copernicus sun center of the universe and that the Earth one of the planets orbiting the sun. I also think Copernicus that the universe is much larger than the ancients thought, but did not give specific dimensions. And has influenced ideas Copernicus drastically on cosmology Cosmology, where he spent entirely on Aatviaden were to prevail from the ancient Greeks to that time; and belief was first based on physics Aristotle Greek, which is that the objects of terrestrial and movement on the ground are radically different from celestial objects, and can not be the application of the laws of the land to the sky. The second provides for the belief that the universe is limited transparent balls, which revolves around the earth and carry stars. Then came Newton's laws of gravity and motion, which united between the Earth and the celestial bodies, to open this new horizons to change the idea of the universe, and increased that idea after laying Einstein theory of relativity became the perception of the universe explained and deeper, and possible interpretation of many astronomical phenomena.
He could Einstein by his theory of relativity, that puts a model proves that the universe take spherical shape, and a radius of more than ten thousand million light-years, and not surrounded or Msija limits, and it has no end, every point in the universe can be considered at its center and central.
The age of the universe is ranging between ten thousand million light-years to twenty thousand million light-years away, the man was able to reveal some galaxies, which lies on the ground by ten thousand million light-years away. Still, the human is able to know the truth about the universe up to the present time.
B. Components of the universe
Became nowadays scientists have a better knowledge about the universe, thanks to scientific and technological progress, especially after the development of optical and radio telescopes, it was possible to identify the exact distribution of the stars and other celestial bodies in the universe. The stars exist in the universe in the form of massive gatherings, all gathered up to millions of stars, and this massive gathering of stars called galaxies Galaxy.
And was made possible by optical telescopes reveal about 600 million galaxies, as was the discovery of billions of stars through it. The sun one of the stars in our galaxy with a number of their stars about 100 billion stars. The distance separating these galaxies some of them very large, it has been detected for some of these distant galaxies, which lies on the ground about 4,500 million light-years away. Galaxies and contain stars, dust and gases (haze), and revolves around the stars of the planets and the aftershocks and other celestial bodies, are the components of the universe.
C. Galaxies Galaxy
Galaxy is a massive gathering of stars has up to tens of billions of stars, and the outer shape of the galaxy Adsaa (any lens llama-like) mostly. Qatar galaxy may reach to about 160 thousand light-years away, while the thick tenth of that amount (about 16 thousand light-years). The galaxy containing millions of stars, mostly gathered in the center of the galaxy known as the nucleus of the galaxy. The nucleus is in these huge amounts of gas and cosmic dust that shows Kalgiyum and called بالسديم cosmic Nebula and the distance between galaxies is very large, and space, which isolates galaxies apart is almost devoid of stars.
The breakdown of this number of galaxies in the universe billions, and away from the vast land spaces, has been made possible the discovery of hundreds of millions of galaxies by radio telescopes. And you can see some neighboring galaxies to our galaxy with the naked eye, such as a galaxy Alondromeda Andromeda, which is considered one of the giant spiral galaxies. And this galaxy away from Earth by a space estimated at 2.2 million light-years away, and a diameter of about 160 thousand light-years, with an estimated mass of about 350 times the mass of the sun.
D. Types of galaxies
Classification of galaxies Home on the outer shape of the galaxy, and thus can be divided main types of galaxies into three sections:
1 - spiral galaxies Spiral
And appear on the spiral-shaped armchair or more, as shown in (figure 1), and the best examples of this section galaxies Milky Way galaxy, to which we belong and neighbor Galaxy Alondromeda.
2 - elliptical galaxies Elliptical
It shaped elliptical galaxies (oval), and is characterized by this kind of spiral galaxies galaxies fact that their relatively faint stars and not to contain gas and cosmic dust, as shown (figure 2).
3 - irregular galaxies Irregular
It is a relatively small galaxies, and do not have a regular shape, and characterized this section galaxies low number when compared former both typs, as no more than 3% of the total galaxies.
E. Clusters of galaxies Cluster of Galaxies
Distribution of galaxies in the universe in the form of groups close to each other, when compared to the vast distances that separate each group of other galaxies, known the sprays groups of galaxies. For example, form the galaxy, which belong to the Milky Way with a number of neighboring galaxies, cluster of galaxies numbering nineteen galaxy; including six giant spiral galaxies, six giant elliptical galaxies, and seven dwarf elliptical galaxies.
And clusters of galaxies near-Earth giant, massive cluster of galaxies that appears in Virgo, which is composed of 300 galaxy, and is this bunch almost 40 million light-years away, and has a diameter of about six million light-years away. The mass is estimated at 10 thousand times the mass of our galaxy. The space between any cluster of galaxies and clusters last relatively free of celestial bodies or galaxies far, except a few galaxies that انفلتت or little cluster of stars that انفلتت galaxy.
G. Solar
Know sun and spins around planets, and aftershocks, and other celestial bodies, the solar system or solar Solar System. And spin all these objects around the sun in orbits are closed, and differ from each other in size, mass and physical properties, and with the number of this group more than a few thousand celestial, but the mass of the sun alone equivalent to 99.86% of the total mass of this group.
1 - components of the solar system
Composed the solar system, as shown in (Figure No. 1), of the heavenly bodies and cosmic phenomena following:
A -
Sun Sun, a source of thermal energy and photovoltaic solar array, and the center of gravity, which is going on all the members of the solar system.
B -
Planets Planets, and number nine planets, which by sequence distances close to the sun: Mercury Mercury, then Venus Venus, then the Earth Earth, then Mars Mars, then Jupiter Jupiter, then Saturn Saturn, then Uranus Uranus, then Neptune Neptune, then Pluto Pluto.
C -
Disciples (satellites) Satellites, a celestial planets orbiting so that the planet should be a center of gravity.
D -
Asteroids Asteroids, a large group of neighboring small bodies orbiting the sun in an orbit located between Mars and Jupiter.
E -
Meteors and meteorites Meteors and Metorites, which is inflamed celestial blocks of varying size, moving within attractive sun and falling toward the ground.
And -
Comets Comets, cool celestial bodies orbiting the sun orbits elliptical (oval) narrow.
G -
Massive amounts of gas and cosmic dust.
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